
Facebook es a ground fire evi

, Every injury at several hundred go to tens of thousands of, however simply wanting to want to kill an evil dragon of this ground fire with these injury perhaps would not° until beat top for a long time go, this be not what big BOSS class of monster, just an intelligence monster of commonness, if spend top so long ground time slowly kills, seem to be some lose more than gain, so in the color dress they after arriving, and ground fire after evil dragon tie up, I start thinking way enlargement's injury for ground fire evil dragon.
I start rounding to hit the ground an evil dragon attack of fire, is no matter a head, neck and a department still a back, even is a tail, can hardly give ground fire the evil dragon result in too big injury, however fire anti- and physical anti- sex are outside higher, besides which, this fire evil dragon other anti- sex pour lower, fly the dragon can beat its many life valueses in the Taoist magics in sky, and Long Bian in sky in the my hand brings of negative status effect also ever and anon appear fire evil Long Di Shen is at the ground up, it is thus clear that negative anti- sex of this fire evil dragon than front ground those several sting bone fire Pteranodons still differ,google.
"Roar~~" is every where just beaten by us to flee indiscriminately, but again escape not go out of ground fire the evil dragon be very sorely suddenly huge to roar, seemed appearance, its top of head came out one at the same time near must ground injury value, also not know is who tee off, unexpectedly give a ground of fire evil dragon to result in so big injury,is an above S class technical ability attack?
I just at interrogative that the ground wants to look into is who tee off this high value.The absolute being punished an angel to toward me to yell:"Eldest brother.The this ground fire evil Long Di chest and belly position has a cake of a little bit smallly.Color a little bit deeper ground of Long Lin.That seems its ground negative scale.I just one arrows make injury well big for it.
"Negative scale?"Because before several sting bone fire Pteranodons have no Long Lin.So don't also go against a scale, it said.I poured to forget in order to prevent resist Zhao to call that Long Zu has negative scale ground.As long as attackstone its negative scale will to them result in injury strongly.The just each dragon ground negative scale position places all different.Consequently would not° until want to attackstone Long Xi life ground negative scale has to also find out a negative scale first go.
"Roar~~" I haven't completely responded to come over.The that fire evil dragon suddenly shouts at top of voice.Unexpectedly turn around and then run.Punish angel's location toward the absolute being another direction to hurtle.There is a color dress and big
The position places.See evil Long Yao of a ground of fire strongly appearance.I am afraid color dress they are a space transmission to immediately block at ground fire the evil dragon and color dress ground is in the center.The ice arrows Shu doesn't stop projection,Facebook.Check to seek an evil dragon of a ground of fire that negative scale place at the same time.But disorderly dance and absolute being punish an angel viewpoint fire the evil dragon be again escaping.Hurriedly made track for to come over.
"Roar~~" ground fire evil Long Jian bursts upon in front of its ground.Seem also some frightened to me.Unexpectedly don't dare with me to offend.Rather get my ground ice arrows attack.Directly turn around anti- punish an angel to there hurtle toward the absolute being.
"Carefully!"See ground fire an evil dragon turn around in the sky and very vividly, and pour blunt return to, I immediately make a noise to remind that the absolute being punishes an angel.
"Have no hard don't urge!"The absolute being punishes an angel to see ground fire the evil dragon pours toward him blunt return to, he isn't nervous at all, in the sky stopped down, the bow and arrow in the hand pulled into full Xian, at ground fire the evil dragon approach of a moment, project the arrows in the hand.
The arrows Shi becomes a ray and bump to the ex- chest of ground fire evil dragon, ground fire evil dragon of two before the claw want to impede, but too near because of being apart from, countercheck ground night one step, the arrows Shi directly beats at the chest of ground fire evil dragon, and beat at that color is deeper of negative scale up, the absolute being punishes an angel but takes aim at that what negative scale attackstone, also made to ascend at the same time strong technical ability attack, let projection of arrows the arrowy power is larger, and its have no tightly don't urge technical ability to own to break the effect for defending, can directly take no cognizance the other party of defense attack target.
"Roar~~" arrows Shi shot to win a ground fire evil dragon of that negative scale, direct will that the negative scale shot is ground, and the arrows Shi still continue to go forward and shot into the chest of the negative scale place position and gave ground fire the evil dragon resulted in very big injury, the injury of the one arrows is unexpectedly up to about 1,000,000,000 quantities, let a ground of fire evil ache dragon of unexpectedly in the sky vacillating.
Ground fire the evil dragon was shot to win a negative scale, although the injury that hasn't gone to a life,results in for it is in the sky very big, greatly arrive it the passage ground is vacillating beside, however because of its blunt certainly didn't stop, so the body of ground fire evil dragon remain toward the absolute being punished an angel to bump in the past, and ground fire evil dragon in the sky and vacillatingly at the same time, also don't forget dynasty the absolute being punish an angel to attackstone to carry on revenge, two the claws punished an angel to keep on clapping toward the absolute being before.
The absolute being punishes Long Zhao Ji whom the angel sees a ground fire evil dragon and frighten even can not hold firmly the bows in the hand, directly throw down, and lend power body up flee, avert from Long Zhao's attack of a ground of fire evil dragon.
"Bang!"1 bumps and rings, the absolute being punishes an angel although Long Zhao who urgently averted from a ground fire evil dragon, but drive ground fire evil dragon that arrives, and the strength of the shot very big, punish absolute being angel like ball similar to clap to hit and go, and while clapping shot of, also punish the angel to the absolute being to clap and faint, let it beyond control body, keep toward not the greatly burning syrup pond of distance dropped into pass by.
"The absolute being punishes an angel!"I see absolute being's punishing an angel be clapped to fly, is not yelled toward him by ground a , however the absolute being punishes an angel to have no to the least bit respond, and connects to the least bit struggle while dropping into of of action all have no, I immediately guess that he is probably been getting more dizzy by the shot, otherwise as long as having not hanged, while falling a body in the freedom he impossibly connect the least bit struggle of action all have no.
Thought of absolute being's punishing an angel is clapped dizzy, and keep on fallening off toward the burning syrup pond, if really fall burning syrup pond inside, even if it didn't drop dead,will be blazed syrup hot dead burn dead, so I directly a whereabouts that the space delivered to appear to punish an angel in the absolute being orders, burning syrup pond of above, and steadily punish absolute being the angel answer, although the absolute being punishes the angel's impact, it makes me also descend one section, however urgently laid up a leg at me so much, it let oneself have no with underneath of burning syrup approach, however body obliquitous embrace absolute being to punish an angel, O.K. now in the sky, and own the ability of free flight with Long Huang after matching the body, otherwise my current posture, legs flection, body inclination the degree is higher than 70 degrees,cnn, if there is no helmet, my hair perhaps wants at burning syrup burned in pond, now of I even if let my feet hit the ground, perhaps also want to fall down into ground.
My answering absolute being after punishing the angel and then confirming this guying has already sunk into dizzy fan's status, however haven't hanged, but also about, life the value haven't left how much, and at this time, the that ground fire evil dragon unexpectedly still collides with to come over toward us, and because of just the absolute being punish an angel of blunt power let me ain't an erection in burning noodles in syrup Chih-Shang, but is a body inclination.Looking at an evil dragon of a ground of fire to wink to namely go to, current of my posture, even if only I can hardly avert from the attack of a ground of fire evil dragon by myself, unless I directly walk with the space transmission person, however I still embrace absolute being to punish an angel now, the space transmission can can not take him, want to move out of the way there is some difficulties in the attack of a ground of fire evil dragon.
I discover from the dime of ground fire evil body dragon at this time the evil dragon of a ground of fire murders after death soul and free and unfettered evil absolute being really resisted sword to make track for to come over, I hurriedly punished the absolute being in the hand the angel make an effort to throw, and loudly call way:"Immediately after!"
My voice just shouted, I was whole individual drive fire the evil dragon hit and directly bumped into after death burning syrup pond inside, and toward burning syrup pond in bumped into, the whole individual completely sink into burning syrup pond inside, and at ground fire the evil dragon hurtled into burning syrup pond, burning syrup pond inside of burning syrup flew to shoot and rose, punished the absolute being that I threw to go out angel also hurtle fly get up, although those burning syrup also punished an angel for absolute being to result in not small injury, however at behind make track for of held tight absolute being to punish an angel while murdering a soul urgently, and went toward to filled instauration in its mouth vital of medicine, this just punished absolute being the angel's life protected, however I disappearance at burning syrup pond in.(The not yet finished treats continuously and knows that how funeral affairs is such as the desire, please land www**, the chapter is more, support author, support original reading!)
The head delivers

The text chapter 760 El Nino big king
Renew time:2009-10-2123:25:23 chapter word numbers:3541

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